Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Class will comments on your BP #6 (about the Meatrix)!

If you want to update or edit your Blog Post #6 before others read it, you should do so (ASAP) as soon as possible.  Students from another class (ENG099 class) will comment on your BP #6 as homework.

To take a look at the blog for their class, go to "Dr. J's" blog at:

Posting comments to blogs from another class (ENG 099) about the Meatrix

Today we are going to take a look at and comment on the blog posts of another class, taught by "Dr. X."  They have also read Fast Food Nation and have watched the Meatrix movie clips. They are a higher level class - ENG099 - so it will be good for you to see how they write.

Your assignment today is to comment on the blogs posted by students in that class.  Please:
A. Identify yourself by first name or nickname and said hello.
B. Write a paragraph that answers the following questions:

  1. Is the summary of the films complete or is it missing information? If it is, tell the writer what is missing.
  2. Respond to the writer's discussion of an important issue covered by The Meatrix. Give your opinions about her viewpoints.
  3. Ask the writer questions related to her discussion of an important issue.

Here are the links to the students' blogs:

1. Jihyun

2. Baris

3. Lisa

4. Agata

5. Jennifer

6. Jorge

7. Eliott

8. Linda

9. Joao

10. Julie (you will get a content warning message when accessing this blog)

11. Julio

To see the blog for their class and see other movie clips and link to other student posts, go to:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Comments for BP#6 - for students in the other 098 class

Please post comments on at least 8 blogs from the other class.  Answer the following questions in your comments:

1. Do you see both summary and reflection in the response/blog post?

2. Respond to the writer's (blogger's?) reflections. Give your opinions
  about their viewpoints.

3. Ask the writer (blogger?) questions related to their reflections.

Please finish these posts by the end of the weekend if you don't finish them in class.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Post #6

Please write a summary and reflection about The Meatrix movies:

Your response should include a small introduction and small conclusion, in addition to a summary of what we saw in The Meatrix movies and your reflection about it.

Think about the following questions to write your reflections:
  • Did you know about the conditions of factory farms before watching these movies?
  • Why are there so many factory farms? Why does the U.S. government allow such farms and conditions?
  • Does this make you want to do research or know more about this situation?
  • Do you think there is anything we can do about this problem?
  • Why is it a serious problem? Why is it important to our families?
  • Will you make any changes in your way of life regarding your purchasing of animal products? Why or why not?
Please post your BP #6 by Wednesday of this week (4/27).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Scroll Down for directions for Blog Post #4 and Blog Post #5

To my students:
Scroll down the page to see my instructions for Blog Post #4 and Blog Post #5.  I have posted other things that are relevant to our discussions about fast food, but these are not your assignments.

If you can only see one post, go to the bottom of the post and click on "Home" to see all the posts in my blog.

Regarding BP #5: if you had already posted some links to your favorite blogs, please go back and edit your post (use the yellow pencil icon at the bottom of your post) and add the other information, in addition to the links. You can also change the title of your post so that it is called "BP #5."

Regarding BP #4: you need to post your summaries from the lectures you attended on Thursday.

Have a nice Spring Break, and I'll see you the week after!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

McDonald's to Hire 50,000 people

In this time of economic strife, when many businesses are needing to cut jobs, McDonald's is doing well.  They are planning to hire another 50,000 people!

See this brief story on NPR's website:

In 1 Day, McDonald's Will Hire 50,000 Workers

What do you think this means for McDonald's and how business is doing for them?

McDonald's Trying to Cash In on Locally Grown Food Trend

As some of us saw when watching the film "The Future of Food," many people are now choosing to buy only locally grown foods to be more green and avoid the fuel and transportation costs of importing food products long distances, which is traditionally what McDonald's has done.

Now, McDonald's is advertising that they are using "locally grown beef" in places like Canada, Ireland, and Italy.  See the article on this website:

The link above is a blog about burgers and the fast food industry, called "Burger Business"