Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Post #6

Please write a summary and reflection about The Meatrix movies:

Your response should include a small introduction and small conclusion, in addition to a summary of what we saw in The Meatrix movies and your reflection about it.

Think about the following questions to write your reflections:
  • Did you know about the conditions of factory farms before watching these movies?
  • Why are there so many factory farms? Why does the U.S. government allow such farms and conditions?
  • Does this make you want to do research or know more about this situation?
  • Do you think there is anything we can do about this problem?
  • Why is it a serious problem? Why is it important to our families?
  • Will you make any changes in your way of life regarding your purchasing of animal products? Why or why not?
Please post your BP #6 by Wednesday of this week (4/27).

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